What's Really Going On in France?

Marine Le Pen is the voice of the pro-nationalist,
conservative movement in France.
"I don't know what the world is coming to," lamented my elderly mom over lunch last week. And then she said something more chilling, motioning toward my dad, "I'm glad we're almost to the end of our lives."  Then she seemed to catch herself, glancing at me sheepishly, and adding some comment about my having many years ahead.

She's right. The Western world is shifting, and it's happening faster all the time. I often wonder if this is the way people felt as WWII approached... that terrible feeling that malevolent ideas are taking hold in too many quarters, that what was always safe and reliable is suddenly in jeopardy. Worse of all, the terrible feeling of foreboding that many of us feel now may have existed then as well; I'm convinced that many in the 1930's felt that something terrible was coming - they could not know its nature or how devastating it would prove to be.

I wonder how many people, as they blithely go about their daily lives, hear that the rise of the immigrant population in Europe and the reports of violence it brings, assume that the outcries come from a few of the ignorant or "racist" and there really isn't much to be alarmed about.  It occurs to me that it is exactly that attitude that your average German took as the Nazis built a regime under their noses. It may be the same assumption that the Austrians and French and Belgians took, a few years before they were invaded and conquered. A conquered population never sees it coming. 

The U.N. Migration Pact - a sort of contract put together by the U.N. with the help of the E.U. which not only calls for more immigration but dictates the way the media and the people will be expected to handle it - is meeting with some resistance - which is heartening, but not nearly enough resistance - which is horrifying. Countries like Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, and the Czech Republic are refusing to sign the agreement, despite threats of financial and economic punishment from the tyrannical E.U.  One must admire the moxie of these former Soviet block nations - the memory of living oppressed under the mantle of communism and its sister socialism is fresh for them. Their freedom was hard-won and only a few decades old. They remember restrictions on their daily lives in terms of freedom of speech, in motility, in physical safety. They remember a media owned by the government and totally under its thumb. They remember a world where the only true information had to be delivered between parties in clandestine whispers. The E.U. would happily see that world return.

Last time the People of France had to riot against the government,
several thousand govt. elites lost their heads. Literally. The French
don't muck around. 
Countries like Sweden, Germany and France are not as wise: they have lived within the luxury of Freedom for far too long, and the people of these nations are standing idly by, watching waves of Muslim immigrants literally and figuratively trash their once-beautiful countries and the corresponding rise in violence and taxes, and just as they did in the 1930s they are pretending the monster isn't there.  Italy, having recently elected a hard-line nationalist leader, seems to be the only hold-out so far - they refused to sign.

In France, riots are portrayed by the French media and beyond as the result of some high taxes. The rest of the world then assumes the French are having some silly tantrum.  But the media is lying: the riots are about something else: tyrannical government control.  For decades, the French government has raised taxes to unsustainable limits, has force-fed the people Islamic immigration, and now means to force-feed them the quasi-myth of global warming and climate change.  When Macron proposed to raise gas taxes by some 30% and more, of the cost of a gallon, he really meant to tax the people out of driving gas-fueled vehicles. Reportedly, the proposal included a goal of taxing one gallon the U.S. equivalent of $49 within ten years. Yes, you are reading that correctly: $49 dollars tax per gallon. Why? Because no one can drive at that price but the very rich. And in keeping with Macron's and the EU's goals of taking power from the people and giving it to the EU, through various national puppet regimes, and forcing enormous overnight changes in energy use - forcing adherence to climate change theory that has not met with scientific scrutiny! - a tax hike like that would have ended life as the French know it. 

Macron backed off on the tax as of late yesterday. It's rather comical, because in doing so, he showed his weakness - he will only push so far before he will cave, and now the People know it.  It was a defeat for Macron far beyond these riots, and it was a defeat for the E.U.  The people were rioting against a government out of control; they are tired of immigration, they are tired of Islamist ideology-fueled murders and terrorist attacks. They are tired of forced compliance with energy change. They are tired of having no say in big issues affecting their lives. These things fueled the riots. And the riots will not end with Macron's capitulation. They will end when the French feel they are regaining control of their lives, and the E.U. will be fighting that every inch of the way.  The monster is not only real, but he is rising.

Marine Le Pen, leader of the nationalist conservative party that nearly took Macron's throne in the last election, has addressed the nation in the past few days (the French must be wishing they had elected her now...).  She spoke vehemently against the Immigration Pact. Interestingly, Le Pen - who is a lawyer by trade - recognized four main points the pact is selling:

1 - The future waves of mostly-Muslim immigration will be openly organized and promoted by the host countries (and the E.U. and U.N. behind the scenes).

2 - Through release of welfare benefits, tax-fueled monies, and even displacing the native population from their homes in favor of incoming immigrants, the host countries will submit to being "pillaged".

3 - The establishment and institutionalization of "parallel communites" in the form of diasporas. Let me translate: Muslim neighborhoods and no-go zones will be established using government resources, in which Shariah Law will replace French law. They will use their own courts and own schools, if they choose. They will speak their own languages. They will live on welfare at the governments invitation and they will never be encouraged or expected to assimilate.  Yeah - that's a great idea.

4 - Pro-immigrant propaganda will not only continue but will increase, and any media or person in public speech openly criticizing immigration, the activities of immigrants, or the government's policy on immigrants, will be criminally punished. In other words the news media will damn well report only what the government wants it to.  Anyone remember Pravda?

One has to wonder how soon it will come to pass that even private speech that disagrees with immigration - or the other EU policies - will be illegal. The Nazis did that; they encouraged school children to report their own parents for unacceptable speech.  Our public schools and those of Europe have been indoctrinating children for a while now; such encouragement to the children would be successful.

The Eastern European countries, Italy, and voices like Le Pen's are struggling to stop the coming tide.  The E.U. is hell-bent - by its own public statements - on creating a globalist one-government European society. The E.U. is made up of socialist globalist millionaires, who frankly want what dictators always want - to control everyone. The U.N., largely due to laziness and stupidity on the part of Western countries (they are too busy becoming socialist globalists after all), has evolved to be Muslim controlled. Even its human rights committee is almost entirely made up of Muslim nations that routinely do things like deny women equal rights or even safety and mobility, throw gay off buildings or lynch them publicly, turn a blind eye to beheadings and terrorist activities, and finance the genocides of Christians and Jews.

My mom is right. Something terrible is taking shape. Not enough people have their eyes open. Coming years will test our courage as individuals, our commitment to what is morally right, and our resolve to defeat what is truly evil.

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